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The Big MoveThe Big Move

Hi everybody,People always said that you should address the elephant in the room. Here's mine: I'm moving and this would probably ended up being the big move of the decade.Without going into too much details, I would not say I didn't see it coming. However, I did my best to avoid this trip but the f…

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Black Swan FOTDBlack Swan FOTD

Hi everyone,A couple of days ago, the Academy Awards Nominations came out and Black Swan is one of the most nominated movies of the year. Although I haven't watched the movie yet, I love the Black Swan look Natalie Portman had in the movie promotion. Sadly, Black Swan did not get nominated for Best …

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The Things I Learned from My Friends and ReadersThe Things I Learned from My Friends and Readers

Hi everyone,Every weekday, I make an attempt to post something relevant in this blog and hopefully, some of you would enjoy it enough to post comments. Through these comments, I've learned so many things. Some of them ended up changing my life big time. Here are the tips I've received from you, my r…

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Belly at Large: FightingBelly at Large: Fighting

Hello humans,Ah, head scratch. The move created by humans to keep kitties under controlMy goal for the year is total global domination, baby! In order to do so, I need to branch out and do something other than posing and writing blogs once a week. The mamarazzi, being a starving artist and all, agr…

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Get Voluminous Hair with Aveda Rosemary Mint ShampooGet Voluminous Hair with Aveda Rosemary Mint Shampoo

Hi everybody,The cold, harsh winter days of 2011 have made my scalp very itchy. Mind you, I don't have dandruff and this year, I don't have flaky scalp during the wintertime, either. However, the itchiness drives me nuts. Between my regular organic shampoo and Neutrogena Anti-Residue shampoo, my hai…

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Blushes High-Low: Benefit Coralista vs. Rimmel London Autumn CatwalkBlushes High-Low: Benefit Coralista vs. Rimmel London Autumn Catwalk

Hi everyone,Belly was such a charmer: after bossing me around for years, he gave me Benefit Coralista blush as a Christmas present. I can't complain: home boy has good taste. Coralista is one of those blushes that gives me a healthy glow without being too bright. However, after being a beauty blogge…

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Revlon Fire and Ice Nail Polish and Lipstick SwatchesRevlon Fire and Ice Nail Polish and Lipstick Swatches

Hi everyone,Last week, I wrote a post to tease you about my prize package from Revlon. If it were last year, it would have taken me ages to do the swatch since my Canon Powershot A590 is not that good in capturing colors. The new G12 is a beast: I took very close up pictures of these colors and they…

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2010 Beauty Favorites - A Tag2010 Beauty Favorites - A Tag

Hi everyone,Stephanie from Beauty and the Gardens tagged me to do a beauty favorite on products I used in 2010. Her answers are here. Truth be told, 2010 sounded like such a long, long time ago but I also realized that I haven't done a tag in such a long time. So here we go...1. Which lipstick/ lipg…

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