Hi everyone,In the land of budget makeup, E.L.F rules. I mean, who else can make decent $1 products like they do? When I discovered something I like from E.L.F, I tend to stock up just to give them away to friends. When they have sales, it's even more awesome. I used to get a whole bunch of things I…
My Eyes on Inglot

Hi everyone,Lately, I've found myself staring at the screen and lemming about makeup. Maybe lemming does not fully describe my status. It's more of uncontrolled drooling while looking at makeup swatches. Really, this is insane!SourceOf all the buzzes I've read online, Inglot rings a church bell. I w…
Burning Makeup Question: Do You Have any Makeup Quirks?
Hi everybody,Yes, it's Thursday again and this time, our Burning Makeup Question of the week is "Do you have any makeup quirks?"Yours truly looking way too gleeful with a red teddy bear. But believe me, smokey eyes, hair bow, and red teddy bear are not my quirks.Wanna know my answer? Jump!I have man…
Get Coconutty with Coconut Oil
Hi everyone,Guess what's inside this jar?It's coconut oil! And what do I use coconut oil for, you may ask.Why, my dear readers, to moisturize my face, of course! A few months ago, I had a terrible crop of zits on my face. I used T3 Mycin and then benzoyl peroxide to cure them (but not together, thou…
Hello, Mr. Brown!
Hi everyone,A couple nights ago, I went through my stash of eyeliners and realized I have so many brown eyeliners! I mean, where did they all come from? I didn't remember when I got all of them. And where are my black eyeliners? Except Blacktrack and another pencil liquid eyeliner, I don't even have…
Cacharel Amor Amor: a Lovely Summer Scent
Hi everyone,This year, I haven't bought a single bottle of perfume. My perfume stash dwindled down to about 3 scents I love the most. I gave away my stuff before and after moving to Vietnam. However, I still have a new bottle of perfume. Recently, my aunt from Belgium came back home for a visit and …
Belly at Large: Cambodian Kittens
Hi everyone,Dao's here, not Belly. Being a Crazy Cat Lady (CCL) without a cat is hard. I miss my Belly. I miss his fuzzy face, his smart-alec meows, his passion for turkey, and his constant bugging me for head and tummy rubs. Yes, I miss his good, bad, and ugly. I just miss him.Adorable Belly looked…
Burning Makeup Question: When Did You Start Wearing Makeup?

Hello there, everyone!Yes, it's time for another Burning Makeup Question. If you missed the debut post, click here.Yes, Belly, you can haz a queshun. Also, I miss you, my baby boy!Belly and I want to know when you started wearing makeup. Wanna know our answers? Jump!Dao: I didn't wear full makeup (i…
Tutorial: Shaping Eyebrows with the Tinkle Brow Razor
Hi everyone!Last week, I wrote a quick review on the Tinkle eyebrow razors. I mentioned that I would do a tutorial on eyebrow shaping using this tool. Well, tada! Here it is!First of all, you don't really need a lot of things to shape the eyebrows if you use this method. Beside the Tinkle razor, you…
Love Eye Makeup but on Time Crunch? Here's a Tip for Ya!
Hi everyone,Yup, that was me climbing the Great Wall of China! I actually had time to camwhore before climbing to the next beacon (Beacon number 9.) It was a great trip and I was wise enough to pack some essential makeup and skincare items for my trip.Despite the sandstorm from Mongolia, we managed …