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Pretty Daytime Shoes Under $100Pretty Daytime Shoes Under $100

No wonder I hardly buy shoes. It's so hard to find stylish and cheap shoes that don't look cheap! Even with the many choices on the internet, this was still no easy task. Anyways, this summer, I'm loving shoes made of woven leather, patent leather and bold colours. So here are some of my favourites …

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SS06 Fashion Trend: White BermudasSS06 Fashion Trend: White Bermudas

Bored of wearing jeans? Move onto the SS06 staple (as agreed by many of the following designers)- white bermudas. They are ladylike, classic and incredibly versatile.They can be worn in a very lady-like fashion fit for formal occasions and the office as seen worn above from the Ralph Lauren and Stel…

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The Loose Shirt LookThe Loose Shirt Look

The loose shirt look is one of the most deceivingly easy but in reality really hard to master looks. The point to this look is to look casual and effortless, like you are out for relaxing stroll. According to various style magazines (from Teen Vogue to Elle,) you're supposed to buy a shirt "a few si…

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Memorial Day WeekendMemorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! I love long weekends. Especially those that comes with fabulous sales!! And boy were they good. Its only Saturday, but I've already spent so much that I do believe I'll be hibernating in my room for the rest of the weekend eating crackers. But before I do that, l…

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SS06 Fashion Trend: Shirt Dresses in the ShopsSS06 Fashion Trend: Shirt Dresses in the Shops

OK, so yesterday we ogled at pretty shirt dresses on the runway. And since most of us can't afford those, I window-shopped online a bit. (Some of these are tunic dresses but since they're so similar to shirt dresses, I put them here too.)Top Shop Linen Shirt Dress -Simple, but I'm not sure I like th…

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SS06 Fashion Trend: Shirt Dresses on the RunwaySS06 Fashion Trend: Shirt Dresses on the Runway

Dresses are all the rage this summer. After a lot of magazine-reading and window-shopping, I'm totally into this trend now. OK, so today I'm looking into shirt dresses, which in my mind is very Kate Moss and Stella McCartney. I gathered a bunch of SS06 runway photos that show shirt dresses. A lot of…

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Graduation Fashion IIGraduation Fashion II

After finding the perfect dress, the next step is finding the fabulous pair of shoes to go with it. I've heard that some people actually wore flip flops to graduation at my friend's school in Canada, but if you're reading this blog, wearing flip flops to graduation shouldn't even BE an option.You co…

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Graduation Fashion IGraduation Fashion I

Its the graduation time of the year again! I used to think that the only fashionable thing one needs for graduation is a fabulous pair of shoes-after all, isn't that the only thing one can see with the long black graduation gown? Boy was I wrong. During dinner with some graduating friends the topico…

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Resort 07 Wrap upResort 07 Wrap up

More than a decade ago, RTW shows were just for the buyers and VIP clients. Now, RTW shows are huge events that we can all log onto and see videos and photos the next day. Just last week, Dior and Chanel held resort collection shows in NY in an unusually grand scale -that is with the buyer…

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