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Women's Designer JewelleryWomen's Designer Jewellery

Women's love for jewellery has only gotten stronger over the years and with ever evolving designs, it is only expected to get better. If you too love your jewellery and are eager to try new pieces then there is good news for you. There are hosts of new women's pieces that are available in v…

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Advice on BloggingAdvice on Blogging

Hi everyone,Today's post is somewhat personal to me. As much as I try not to write a blog about blogging, through the years I have people asking me for advice about this particular topic. However, in light of the fact that I just spent 2 days renovating my blog, I believe it is apt to write somethin…

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Bloglovin' TestBloglovin' Test

Follow my blog with Bloglovin P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!…

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The Tale of Two DeodorantsThe Tale of Two Deodorants

Hi everyone,Perhaps one of the categories least reviewed in this blog is deodorants. It's not like everyday that I run out of deodorants and have the need to get a new one, you know. But it's been hot lately and those who are following me via Twitter know I have been lamenting about it. The heat bri…

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The Correlation Between Heartburn And HeadacheThe Correlation Between Heartburn And Headache

Pain in the chest, stomach acid rising to the throat and a sour taste in the mouth are the basic symptoms most heartburn sufferers have to deal with. It gets even worse when you lie down. Dealing with heartburn is bad enough, but put back pain or a headache in the mix then you feel absolutely misera…

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What Really Happened at MMB Testing CenterWhat Really Happened at MMB Testing Center

Hi everyone,For the almost 4 years since I started blogging here, I have tried countless products before reviewing them and only the ones that meet my standards get to be showcased here. Like many aspects of my life, I'm quite picky when it comes to posting product reviews. After all, you read the r…

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New Mineral Cosmetic Company: Pink Blossom CosmeticsNew Mineral Cosmetic Company: Pink Blossom Cosmetics

Hi everyone,In February, Lilly Yang, the owner of Pink Blossom Cosmetics, contacted me and asked me if I wanted to review some products from her mineral makeup line. As a mineral makeup lover, I jumped into the bandwagon and after some emails, Lilly sent me a package to Vietnam! I appreciate that sh…

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