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The Number 1 Nourishing Eyelash Serum? Reviewing Mavala Double LashThe Number 1 Nourishing Eyelash Serum? Reviewing Mavala Double Lash

The days of purchasing eyelash products which consistently abuse your lashes, making them dry, brittle and under nourished have deservedly vanished with eyelash growth and care now being the new trend within the beauty industry. This has its benefits as now our eyelashes can receive the love and car…

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Hi everyone,Recently, I've come to a big fashion realization: having a nice outfit is not enough, you need to have cool accessories, too! I used to buy lots and lots of earrings, necklaces, and rings only to realize I had no outfits to wear them with. Also, I was working in a lab and it was not easy…

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Not Another Odessa Nail Polish!Not Another Odessa Nail Polish!

Dear Fearless Readers,I can hear you screaming from afar, "Enough with the Odessa nail polishes already! Stop taunting us with your Vietnamese goodies! You know we can't get it!"Yeah girls, I know, I know. But it is so good that I would feel ashamed if I don't share. You see, this Odessa nail polish…

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Easy to Follow Steps to Make Eyelashes GrowEasy to Follow Steps to Make Eyelashes Grow

Thicker and longer eyelashes are considered as a unique emblem of beauty, particularly among females. Experts say that people regard curled and long lashes paired with large eyes to be the best epitome of youth. You are probably aware that youth usually signifies health and fertility, which is why m…

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Choke Tea, Tea Choke, Artichoke TeaChoke Tea, Tea Choke, Artichoke Tea

Hi everyone,Happy happy Monday! Recently, I've noticed how well-behaved my skin has been. Having suffered from acne since I was 12 years old, I consider this a miracle. Currently, I don't take any herbal medicines to cure my zits. However, during the past few weeks, I do drink artichoke tea and I've…

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Fun with BokehFun with Bokeh

Hi everyone,One of the things I like to do is taking pictures. Since I bought my Canon G12, it has been easier to take better quality photos. Better pictures means less time spent on editing them. And believe me, sometimes you wish the pictures would come out the way you want since editing can only …

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Tag, You're It: Where the Magic HappensTag, You're It: Where the Magic Happens

Hi everyone,Have you wondered where I do all of my writing? Well, you don't have to do that anymore. Today's post is going to solve that problem.Throughout the years, I have been blogging all over the place. Since I move around a lot, my prime blogging space (PBS) is also quite mobile. Let's see:200…

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Using Mineral Pigments to Create Lip ColorsUsing Mineral Pigments to Create Lip Colors

Hi everyone,As you may know, I love mineral makeup. They are preservative-free and you can use them on your eyes, lips, face, and even nails. I did a tutorial on how to use pigments on your nails, please click here to view if you haven't seen it before.My pigments back in the Formula D days. Ah, I m…

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Can You Tell I Fell for Pastel?Can You Tell I Fell for Pastel?

Hi everyone,I haven't noticed I am in a pastel kick lately. Last week's nail polish was a pale pink and this week we have a muted lavender one (I almost type "nude lavender"! It's a reflex, people! It's a reflex!) The varnish du semaine is from Odessa, which I believe is a sub-branch of ATP (cue jok…

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I Kinda Like Vedette Avocado Facial MaskI Kinda Like Vedette Avocado Facial Mask

Hi everybody,What is my secret skincare crush? Sheet masks, of course! Although I don't do a lot of reviews on them here, secretly I am a sheet mask fanatic. I think I've used about half of the available scents/versions of My Beauty Diary thanks to the aid of my instigator friend Christine from M.A.…

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Choose Only the Best Mortgage Insurance for YourselfChoose Only the Best Mortgage Insurance for Yourself

Life mortgage insurance is of great importance nowadays. No matter what type of insurance you might decide to choose, the important thing is to make sure you analyze it very well before actually taking the final decision. There are various important terms that should be carefully analyzed so that in…

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A Bottle of ATP Nail Polish with the Color of My ChildhoodA Bottle of ATP Nail Polish with the Color of My Childhood

Hi everyone,First of all, here's the joke of the day:"A bloke walks into a pub, and asks for a pint of Adenosine Triphosphate. The barman says "That'll be 80p (ATP) please!" (note: 100p = £1, and ATP is short for Adenosine Triphosphate)As a former biochemistry student, anything that has the word ATP…

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The Ghosts of Christmas AbsThe Ghosts of Christmas Abs

Hi everyone,Last week, I took the whole week off because I was super busy. On top of that, I managed to lift enough weight to feel the pain in my arms. It was painful enough to steer me away from typing but I'm doing fine now.Lately, all I can talk about is fitness, fitness, fitness. Since the begin…

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I Love WhitneyI Love Whitney

Hi everyone,Whitney's gone, our singer's dead. This morning, I woke up to learn about the news while eating breakfast. All of the sudden, I felt the joy slipping away from me. Never has a singer has such an impact in my life as Whitney. In middle school, I grew up listening to her songs and those we…

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Preparing to Evacuate During Hurricane and Wildfire SeasonPreparing to Evacuate During Hurricane and Wildfire Season

You may have dreams of defending your homestead during hurricane and wildfire season, for the safety of your family though, it's best to evacuate when officials say to. Leaving your home doesn't mean that you have to abandon it unprotected, however. Here are some tips to give your home its best chan…

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Party Perfect MakeupParty Perfect Makeup

Hi everyone,I just came back from the party and I have to say: it was a success! The food was delicious, the party was fun, and most importantly, my makeup was perfect! All that prep work was not wasted because not only I finished applying my makeup before the allotted time, it also came out a lot b…

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