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A Serious AnnouncementA Serious Announcement

Hi everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Of all the holidays celebrated in the U.S, you know I miss Thanksgiving the most. I miss the turkey dinner as well as the craziness that Black Friday brought. I hope you guys had some good deals on Black Friday as well.Lately, if you not…

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Pond's, Black Pond'sPond's, Black Pond's

Hi everyone, This post is a pre-Thanksgiving post and sadly, I don't have any turkey this year. You see, only the U.S and Canada get to have Turkey Day while to the rest of the world, it's Thursday. Ah well, I'll probably eat some chicken and pretend it's turkey or something ;)Anyways, let's get to …

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Love Wearing Scarves? Here Are 25 Ways to Wear Them!Love Wearing Scarves? Here Are 25 Ways to Wear Them!

Hi everyone, I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. The recent move to the new place has sucked the time out of me. You think 2 weeks were enough for us to put things together? Think again! Yesterday, I ended up putting the last piece of clothes into the new closet at 10 pm. It was hard work, y'all! But n…

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A Surprised Benefit of Using the StairsA Surprised Benefit of Using the Stairs

Hi everyone, Sometimes, I feel bad for my derriere. I blame it on J.Lo and Beyonce to start the bootylicious trend. When it comes to the butt, either you are bountiful or you are not. Workouts can help but it can take forever to see any increment in size.Although I want my sexy back to look like …

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A Quick Update + NaNoWriMoA Quick Update + NaNoWriMo

Hi everyone, Lately, this is how I feel:The pending move to the new place really puts a dampen to my plans. We are packing, we are not packing. We are moving, we are not moving. The minute I think we are about to move, the plan just get pushed further down the line. On top of that, I am committin…

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Keeping Your Eyelashes HealthyKeeping Your Eyelashes Healthy

Out of all of the component parts of a woman's beauty regime, we often underestimate the time and effort that is required to keep the high standards most women have when it comes to their eyelashes. Women's eyelashes take a bashing each day through: the application of mascara, rubbing their eyes…

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