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Fitness Report #12: Getting Injured Is not Fun!Fitness Report #12: Getting Injured Is not Fun!

Hi everyone, Last week, I exercised in a total amount of time of 2 hours and 40 minutes. This is a record low and you wanna know why? Yours truly decided to be fancy and did kick-boxing. Somewhere along the short 20-minute of kicking, I managed to injure my left knee. This knee, since as long as I c…

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Fitness Report #11Fitness Report #11

Hi everybody, Guess what? I'm only 19 more days away from completing the 100-day fitness challenge, yay! My pair of shoes decided to take an early retirement and I needed a new pair so badly. Finding shoes my size in Vietnam is difficult and especially since I am a fan of New Balance, it is hard …

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Nghia O'Beauty Nail Polish in S030Nghia O'Beauty Nail Polish in S030

Hi everyone, Remember last Monday I posted about a haul with some nail polishes? Well, I got a chance to try the brown own from Nghia O'Beauty, a Vietnamese brand. In fact, Nghia is a famous company that produces cuticle nippers and nail clippers here. If you go to a nail salon in the U.S that's o…

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Specific Beauty Skincare Giveaway WinnerSpecific Beauty Skincare Giveaway Winner

Hi everyone, First of all, thank you for joining Specific Beauty skincare giveaway. I appreciate your support but unfortunately, there is only one winner.Congratulations, MJ Moore!Please reply to my email within 48 hours with your mailing address. Otherwise, I will have to pick a replacement winner.…

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Fitness Report #10Fitness Report #10

Hi everyone, Here's a quick look on what I did last week:Monday: breakTuesday: Exhilarate and butt workout (1hr 20')Wednesday: Mix (1hr 25')Thursday: breakFriday: Pilates and abs workout (1hr 15')Saturday: Ripped (1hr)Sunday: Cardio party+ 20 minute workout+ arms workout (1hr 20')Total amount of …

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My 10 Gym Pet PeevesMy 10 Gym Pet Peeves

Hi everyone,Although I am not a gym rat, I have enough time in the gym to have my own pet peeves. Here are my top 10:1. I go to the gym and hear people bragging that they spend x amount of time working out while the only thing I see is them talking to each other while leaning on the machines I inten…

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I Can Haz Haul!I Can Haz Haul!

Hi everyone, The last makeup purchase I did was somewhere in January. It felt like a million years ago since I bought makeup for myself. Living in Vietnam has its own perks but for a beauty blogger, it ain't fun. Too many skincare products and not enough makeup. And even for the makeup that I cou…

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Cheek Contouring: an UpdateCheek Contouring: an Update

Hi everyone, Instead of the weekly FOTD, I'd like to do a tutorial today. It feels like ages since I did one and frankly, I miss it. The last time I did a contouring tutorial was almost 3 years ago *gasp*! Things has changed since and I haven't been contouring my face the same way I did back then.…

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Fitness Report #9Fitness Report #9

Hi everyone, Exactly three weeks ago, I was frustrated about the lack of weight loss. I worked my butt off and didn't lose any significant amount of fat at all. On top of that, I was starving all the time. You see, I wanted to fast-track my weight loss record by eating less of everything. Instead…

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Microfiber It!Microfiber It!

Hi everyone, Happy Monday! Let's have a little fun today, shall we? Can you guess what kind of fabric in the below pictures?Do you have the answer yet?How about now?Alright, I think I've given out enough clues. Here is the answer:They are microfiber washcloths!About 2 years ago, I started using m…

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