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Pink Flamingo FOTD: a Halloween LookPink Flamingo FOTD: a Halloween Look

Hi everybody,You thought I forgot to do a FOTD this week, didn't you? Well, I didn't. I just waited to get closer to Halloween to post it.  This year's look is simple and I only used one eye brush: MAC 217. The products I used are a mix of drugstore and department store makeup. This is the first tim…

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Belly at Large: The Fire Cat and Self-EsteemBelly at Large: The Fire Cat and Self-Esteem

Happy early Halloween, everyone!Today, I'm neither frabjous nor festive. Halloween is right around the corner and I know what the mamarazzi is going to dress up as. However, we are bound to cat-human confidentiality so I can't tell. Also, not having opposable thumbs makes it hard to type and I rely …

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All You Fashion & Beauty Edition Review and GiveawayAll You Fashion & Beauty Edition Review and Giveaway

Hello everybody,Recently, the kind folks from All You magazine sent me their latest Fashion and Beauty edition for reviewing and giving away. If you have not heard about this magazine, it is about living well without spending the big bucks. This Fashion & Beauty edition is the first of its kind to m…

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And... We Have the Winners!And... We Have the Winners!

Hi everybody,It's been a while since I posted about the CLEAN anti-bacterial moisturizing hand cream giveaway. Recently, I decided to use Random.Org to select the winners. And... Ahleessa, Mrs. Shukra, and Joanelised: you guys are the chosen ones!I will email you shortly for your addresses. Also, I …

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How Arabian Makeup Artists Work on Their ClientsHow Arabian Makeup Artists Work on Their Clients

Hi everybody,Recently, I bumped into a video clip so interesting that I have to post. I did a search for Arabic makeup and bumped into a few YouTube videos. despite the different looks, they have a few things in common. I could not help but post them up here for all to see.1. Makeup lesson with Ahme…

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Video: How to Create a Unique Nail Polish with Mineral PigmentsVideo: How to Create a Unique Nail Polish with Mineral Pigments

Hi everybody,Hurray! Today's post is special: this is My Makeup Blog's first video clip! I filmed it a while ago when my hair was still long. This video clip is going to show you how to create a unique nail polish using mineral pigments. That way, you can have an extra use of your own pigments to cr…

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Lesson Learned: When to BuyLesson Learned: When to Buy

Hi everybody,Today's post sounds like a mini-rant and feel free to tune out if you are not in the mood to read it. I totally understand.Ok, with the disclaimer aside, I want to tell you this story. Those who know me well understand I prefer to keep my pennies in my pocket. While I have been blogging…

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Belly at Large: True ColorsBelly at Large: True Colors

Well, hello humans!With all the flashes and stuff, people think I have brown eyes. No, you're wrong. My eyes are blue, glassy blue. The mamarazzi said they look very dreamy. Want proof?See, I have blue eyes. The irises are blue. The mamarazzi just failed to capture it!Also, please don't mind the mes…

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For Audrey by China Glaze Gets Me ComplimentsFor Audrey by China Glaze Gets Me Compliments

Hi everybody,Have you heard the news? Recently, a set of 10 rare Audrey Hepburn stamps were auctioned. The winning bid was 430,00 euros (606,000 US dollars!) Unbelievable! The detail of why the stamps are so rare is here.The detail of the stamp before the auction started.SourceWhy I don't have 430,0…

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Do You Love Your Hair?Do You Love Your Hair?

Hi everybody,If you have followed the beauty blogsphere lately, you would probably noticed the uproar against the Brazilian Blowout. Yesterday, NPR did a story on it and you can read it here. Coincidentally, NPR also did another article about the latest and cutest musical number on "Sesame Street." …

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Monday Musings: Anti-Aging TipsMonday Musings: Anti-Aging Tips

Hi everybody,I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys-R-Us kid!When I was younger, I rarely used anything on my face except some occasional zit creams. I did not even bat my lashes at anti-aging creams, lotions, and potions. Hello, I did not have wrinkles. Also, my skin was super oily 365 days a year (356 …

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A Day with BellyA Day with Belly

Meow!Get that camera off my face. Or else!Yeah, I've been in gangster mood lately, mainly because of the weather. It was cold for a while and it got warm again. I like it when the weather is cold. I can eat more. Anyways, the deadline came like a train and I had nothing in my mind so I decided to sh…

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Not so Neutral FOTDNot so Neutral FOTD

Hi everybody,Lately, I have been in a neutral FOTD state of mind. Don't get me wrong, I love colors. However, I found no excuse to wear bright and cheerful colors at all. I blame it on my dark nail polishes. This week, I've been wearing "Daddy's Girl" nail polish from Sinful Colors and it inspired m…

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