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Come and Have a Slice of (Virtual) Cake!Come and Have a Slice of (Virtual) Cake!

My Makeup Blog turns 2 today!Hooray!Thank you, everybody for a wonderful year of fabulous blogging! Since the first birthday, My Makeup Blog has grown beyond my imagination. I get to know many new people and become good friends with some old acquaintances (I ain't say you're old, I just meant we've …

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Good Find: Revlon Luxurious Color Perl Eyeshadow in Black GalaxyGood Find: Revlon Luxurious Color Perl Eyeshadow in Black Galaxy

Hi everybody,Lately, I've been surprised at how good drugstore makeup has become. Because of that, I haven't purchased any department store makeup for a long time. Well, that and the fact that I have an Etsy store that sells mineral makeup.I was very excited when Gucci Westman, the former Internatio…

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Bonus Time at Formula D MineralsBonus Time at Formula D Minerals

Hi everyone,Formula D Minerals eye shadowsIt's Bonus Time at Formula D Minerals! From now until July 14th, for each purchase $10 or above before shipping and handling, you are going to receive a bonus eyeshadow of your choice. It's a sweet deal, everyone, and please take advantage of it.Please speci…

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Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Chubby Eye Stick: Get It!Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Chubby Eye Stick: Get It!

Hi guys,Happy Monday! I guess I'm kind of late to report about the on-going Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale. This year, I have what I need in the underwear department so I didn't go to the sale for that. However, I crashed the sale for these Beauty Rush chubby eye sticks:Victoria's Secret Beauty …

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Belly at Large: Raccoon on a Tree!Belly at Large: Raccoon on a Tree!

Hello humans,Remember the movie "Snake on a Plane"? Well, I have something even better:Look, it's a pine tree!But look closer. See something yet?I see a tailA raccoon's tail!That, my dahlin', is the raccoon that contaminated my food and caused me some stomach discomfort a while ago. Dang raccoon! Oo…

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A Look Worth Doing TwiceA Look Worth Doing Twice

Hi everybody,Last weekend, I cried my eyeballs out. You see, I made a huge mistake of watching "The Time Traveler's Wife", thinking it was a light-hearted chick flick. No ma'am, it anything but a chick flick that you can watch and forget. This movie is actually very thought provoking. Also, it's a t…

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Z Mei Skincare System: The MoisturizersZ Mei Skincare System: The Moisturizers

Hi everybody,First of all, please don't forget to enter my giveaway with Hairtag. It's a Twitter giveaway, which is super easy to do. Click here if you haven't entered it yet.Now, let us continue with part 2 of the Z Mei Skincare System review. This time around, we are going to talk about the moistu…

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Z Mei Skincare System: Cleanser, Toner, and ScrubZ Mei Skincare System: Cleanser, Toner, and Scrub

Hi everybody,I'm back! For days now, the heat has been pummeling my neck of the woods and all I want to do is to fill up a cooler with ice and sleep in it. Usually, around this time of the year, my skin would go crazy. All the efforts to restore my skin to its pristine condition since I was born are…

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Belly at Large: the Naughty CornerBelly at Large: the Naughty Corner

Hello boys and girls,'Sup? I don't know why but I've been so grumpy lately. And my attitude cost me dearly. Before I said something, please don't blame it on the mamarazzi. Blame it on the scorching weather outside that makes it impossible to stay cool. I am up to a vacation at the Arctic. Ok, Antar…

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First Twitter Giveaway with HairtagFirst Twitter Giveaway with Hairtag

Hi everybody,Another day, another giveaway. This time around, the kind folks at Hairtag are going to sponsor two of their awesome products to one lucky reader. If you haven't read my review on Hairtag yet, click here. This is a Twitter competition so it's super easy and opens to U.S and Canadian res…

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Smoke Out FOTDSmoke Out FOTD

Hello everybody,The weather has been so hot and humid lately. I feel like melting all the time. However, it does not stop me from doing a smokey eyes look. I blame my friend M for it. She showed up in one of our writing workshops with a Wet n Wild black eye and body liner stick and a black lipstick.…

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