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GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour: Vol 6, 2010GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour: Vol 6, 2010

Hi everybody,This week's blog tour comprises a variety of makeup and beauty tips, tricks, and tutorials. I hope you'll enjoy our effort to give you the best of this week. Alison of the Advice Sisters has picked her favorite show of fashion week (so far, more to come on the advice sisters blog). …

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Fun with Black and Red FOTDFun with Black and Red FOTD

Hi everybody,New York Fashion Week is gone but its essence still lingers in the air. This year, the colors are stronger in both eyes and lips, which makes it my favorite fashion week ever! For every woman out there, once you master the art of painting the smokey eyes, you are set for life. Seriously…

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Fun with Marie Louise Restoration Clear GelFun with Marie Louise Restoration Clear Gel

Hi everybody,At the end of last year, I got a chance to sample Marie Louise Restoration Clear Gel from Japan. Marie Louise Aberdein, the mother of modern beauty, created the first beauty creme in Japan to become a favorite in the Imperial Court. In 2004, Marie Louise skincare was debuted and sold on…

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How to Apply False LashesHow to Apply False Lashes

Hello beautiful people,When I did the Baby Doll tutorial, I got some comments about false eyelashes and how to apply them. Gee, you guys made me feel like I am an expert in applying falsies or something. Or maybe it's the result of me pulling MAC editorial's leg? (Lookie here if you don't know what …

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Belly at Large: Made in China?Belly at Large: Made in China?

Greetings, "Gimme back that lipstick!" said Mr. Belly, My Makeup Blog's Editor-at-LargeYo, what's up my home girls? It's Belly time! Last week, my numero uno biggest fanista commented on my post about fake makeup. La McNunu wrote:I once sent a message to one of the Ebay sellers notifying her that wh…

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Scientific Names and Beauty ProductsScientific Names and Beauty Products

Hi everybody,Since I have been trained geek-style for so long, I get used to scientific names of species. When it comes to product labeling, manufacturers use scientific names for sources of natural extracts. For example, instead of writing aloe vera, they would use Aloe barbadensis. For common sour…

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GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour: Vol 5, 2010GILTY Pleasures Weekly Blog Tour: Vol 5, 2010

Hi everybody,This week's rendition of GILTY Pleasures weekly blog tour is a fun one: we have makeup tips from Johnny Weir, an interview with Napoleon Perdis, many other reviews as well as tips and tricks. I hope you'll enjoy it! With the Olympics in full swing, Alison of the Advice Sistersget answer…

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