Hi everybody,Some days are really strange to me: I get to do the perfect makeup, strike the perfect pose, and have the perfect hair. Now, for makeup I can do them well almost every time. The poses almost work well most times. But the hair is still a mystique: it seems to have its own brain or someth…
Some Mineral Makeup Tips For You

Hi everybody,When I started writing this blog, I was very passionate about mineral makeup. I even did a week straight to review mineral makeup companies that I experienced called Seven Days and Seven Nights of Mineral Makeup (click here for a trip to the past!) Since then, my mineral makeup stash ha…
Ciao bellas,After more than a month of having the L'Oreal HiP kohl liners, I finally found some time to do a makeup look using them. May told me these liners are good materials to do the smokey eyes and I do agree with her."They rock," I said after the first try. However, they have more fall outs th…
MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack and New Use of an Old Brush
Hello there, everyone!Happy Monday! As you already knew, this year I got myself some really cool birthday gifts from MAC, thanked to the sumo sale. After many years of applying makeup to my face, I resisted the power of MAC fluidline and bought some cheap gel liners instead. The results were sub-par…
Sunday Beauty Reads

Hi everybody,It's Sunday again and for the past month or so, the Sunday Beauty Reads have been a fixture of this blog. At first, I thought it was a good idea to include my most favorite post of the week into the mix with other beauty bloggers'. As time goes by, some of you guys confessed expressed y…
Beauty Literotica: The Beauty of Color by Iman
Hello, gorgeous!In 2005, Iman published her makeup book which she co-wrote with Tia Williams called “The Beauty of Color”. I remember sitting at Barnes and Nobles and reading it along other books and magazines and thought it was good. Then as soon as I walked out of the door, I promptly forgot all a…
Scents of a (Money Conscious) Woman
Hello, gorgeous!On my birthday, one of my cousins wrote this on my Facebook wall:“Happy Birthday to you! You live in a zoo…you look like a monkey…and smell like one too!”Of course, this new verse of the “Happy Birthday” song came from the movie Madagascar. (And my cousin didn’t mean any harm.) While…
Third Giveaway Winner

Hello everybody,Although I was supposed to announce the winner of My Makeup Blog's Third Giveaway on Monday, I was totally busy. For those who've followed me on Twitter, my mom just came to visit on Sunday and she got motion sickness after sitting in the plane for too long. So Monday and Tuesday was…
Rubenesque Paint Pot: Golden Peach Shimmer Goodness!
Hi everybody,I just widened my vocabulary courtesy of MAC. I’m not kidding, the way MAC named their products make me feel smart already. Let’s learn, shall we?RubenesquePronunciation:\ˌrü-bə-ˈnesk\: of, relating to, or suggestive of the painter Rubens or his works ; especially : plump or rounded us…