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My Makeup Blog: a Year in NumbersMy Makeup Blog: a Year in Numbers

Hi everybody,Today is the last day of 2009 and in some hours, we are not only plunging into the next year but also the next decade. How exciting is that? The year 2009 has been wonderful to me, especially since the second half of the year. Not only this blog has picked up new audience and interests …

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Best of 2009 from My Makeup BlogBest of 2009 from My Makeup Blog

Hi everybody,As the year has come to closer an end, I would like to take some time and make a list of 10 favorite products I discovered in 2009. Among hundreds of products I've tried this year, picking out the top 10 is not an easy task. It was something I wanted to do last year but unfortunately, I…

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Everyday Minerals New Year PaletteEveryday Minerals New Year Palette

Hi everybody,We are days away from getting into the year 2010 and I already miss 2009. Some couple of days ago, my friends and I had an epiphany moment when we realized we no longer could write 2009 or '09 or anything with two zeros after number 2 for the year when 2010 starts. (And that's why we've…

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Dear M.A.C, Part DeuxDear M.A.C, Part Deux

Hi everybody,How was your Christmas? Mine was so delightful, jolly, and full that I still feel tingle and happy. Now, sitting in front of the computer and basking over the afterglow of Christmas, I wish to have more time like this. Let me tell you, this is the life, y'all! While checking my email, I…

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Merry Christmas, Everyone!Merry Christmas, Everyone!

My Makeup Blog wishes you and yoursA joyful Christmas and a wonderful new year 2010! Now, take it away, Mariah!Picture sourceP.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!…

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Everyday Minerals Christmas Palette: Falala la Lovely!Everyday Minerals Christmas Palette: Falala la Lovely!

Hi everyone,It's Christmas Eve, how cool is that? Seriously, I need to get off the computer and go to the store to get some bread for Christmas linner (that's lunch and dinner together, people!) We are going to have some yummy food and I can't wait to devour them.Anyways, the reason I am still blogg…

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Rimmel London Airy Fairy: A Pink Lipstick for EverydayRimmel London Airy Fairy: A Pink Lipstick for Everyday

Hi everybody,While I am not a big fan of lipsticks, lately I've caught myself staring at the Rimmel London display every time I go to the drugstore. This brand has some seriously kick-ass lipsticks! After my trial with Pink Champagne, I was very happy with the creaminess of Rimmel lipsticks. Also, t…

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Marilyn Monroe Inspired Makeup FOTDsMarilyn Monroe Inspired Makeup FOTDs

Hi everybody,A couple of nights ago, I went through my picture folder in the old laptop ("Lappie") and realized I have so many FOTD pictures. During my thesis writing months, whenever I got bored or tired from writing, I stood up, went to the bathroom, and played with my makeup. Sometimes, the looks…

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Wonderbar Giveaway: And the winner is...Wonderbar Giveaway: And the winner is...

Well, hello there, my lovelies!It's such a nice occasion that I can blog with ease on such a quiet and cold morning. Only three more days until Christmas and I am glad to make one of y'all very happy. First of all, thank you for participating in the Wonderbar giveaway. 35 of you participated in this…

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