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Happy New Year 2009!Happy New Year 2009!

Dear friends,Within a couple of hours, the year 2008 is going to be the past. I would like to thank all of you who have come to my blog and welcomed it to your life. When I first started, I did not think that I would have so much fun here playing and writing about makeup. Now, I have developed some …

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Pass The Bubbly PleasePass The Bubbly Please

Ah. The New Year is upon us - where did the time go? One more reason to celebrate with friends and loved ones, and one more reason to dress up and look fabulous. I'm sure you have all found your dresses already but I just passed by the store window of BCBG the other day. BCBG has always attracted…

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Good Golly Boots!Good Golly Boots!

I found (and purchased) two pairs of boots this weekend.Yes, two.They are comfortable ... and I love, love, love them.Steve Madden - LegionINC Brook Riding Boot - mine are chocolate brown and aren't so shiny.Oh sales how I love thee.…

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Merry Christmas To All, and To All A GoodnightMerry Christmas To All, and To All A Goodnight

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you had a wonderful evening and a beautiful day! Were in good company with family and friends, wrapped up warm - or dressed downright cool! - with good food, wherever you are! This spread instantly made me want to layer up with colours and scarves - I actually dec…

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Happy Holidays!Happy Holidays!

Hi everybody,Happy Holidays!Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful Christmas and a wonderful year 2009!...but wait, there's more!I'm giving you a FOTD as well, just click more to find out :)I love the look of this FOTD and used eye shadows from Coastal Scents 88 palette and let me tell you how pig…

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"Red," I Said: A Comprehensive Guide to Budget Red Lipsticks

Hello my dear lovely ladies,It's Christmas Eve in the U.S and I'm still blogging! This year, despite the economy, I feel very festive and hope to enjoy the holidays the way I want: with peace and joy in my heart! With that in mind, I feel the urge to reach for my red lipsticks every single chance I …

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Happy Christmukkah!Happy Christmukkah!

Something to drool over on this special day....Yes, I'm in love with red pumps! But just to add some variety, these are not Louboutins (remember the Turkey day pumps?), but from Stuart Weitzman. Dear Santa.....Happy Christmukkah everyone!Psst! I heard Bloomies is having a big sale on the 26th!Image …

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Day to Night: FOTD and FOTNDay to Night: FOTD and FOTN

Hi ladies,How are you doing today? I'm doing fine and happy to bundle up a bit. For many days, the Sunshine state was warm and sunny while the rest of the states suffered from severe weather conditions. Now the weather finally caught up with us and yesterday it dipped down to 50-something degree Fah…

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I indulge in perfume. I tend to put too much on and think nothing of it. I'm a dedicated and committed wearer of four scents, all of which are used in a rotational manner, depending on mood, weather, clothes and/or occasion. They are much more than just the fantastic four.My first ever - must wea…

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Philosophy Inner Grace Perfume: My Inner StrengthPhilosophy Inner Grace Perfume: My Inner Strength

Hello ladies,Happy Monday! We are three days away from Christmas Day and I hope the pressure of the holiday season is not getting into you. Lately, I've gone through a lot and it was hard for me to stay calm, let alone cracking a smile. Although I have a lot of perfumes in my closet, I needed one th…

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Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 12/21Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 12/21

After MUCH drama, the fall of the auto industry in the US has finally been avoided- at least temporarily anyway. In the end, Bush signed over $17.4 to Chrysler and GM on Friday in return for non voting warrants and more oversight on executive pay etc. In the end, they made a full circle and the mone…

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The Girl With The Short HairThe Girl With The Short Hair

Last year I went from that was down below the middle of my back, to a really bad short japanese-boy-rockstar cut. My hair grows fast so while I was mortified & stuck with pinning it back and trying to tie it up in all sorts of ways, with ribbons and clips, it eventually grew back to past my shoulde…

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