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Barneys Girl Shops the UO SaleBarneys Girl Shops the UO Sale

So I thought I'd do a bit of virtual shopping at my old favourite Urbran Outfitters. After having been disappointed many times before when the items I saw in real life did not compare to what I saw online, I've learnt to have a more discerning eye when picking things out on the Urban Outfitters site…

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SS06 Bags Trend II: WhiteSS06 Bags Trend II: White

It's no secret the colour of the season is white. And it certainly is no news that white bags are very 'in' this season. But I have only really gotten into this trend recently myself. It all started after I 'borrowed' (and probably never will be returned) my mum's Marc by Marc Jacobs Fran bag. (See …

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Zara, on Sale?!?Zara, on Sale?!?

Is it just me, or does Zara very rarely go on sale? Every season, I wait in much anticipation for the usual high street stores to go on sale before I go in and swipe up bargains. Stores like Mango are usually very accommodating and very quickly go up to 70% off. And since I rank Zara in the same cat…

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Louis Vuitton FW06 AdsLouis Vuitton FW06 Ads

With all the FW06 ad previews hitting the internet, it took me a while to decide which campaign to talk about first. So I thought I might as well start with the giant -Louis Vuitton. The Vuitton ads this season are all for representing different people -from the English to the Asians. Thankfully, Ma…

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A Fashionable PursuitA Fashionable Pursuit

With the FIFA World Cup going on in Germany, there's been a worldwide soccer craze- at least in my part of the globe it has. Suddenly, it has become fashionable to watch, talk and breathe soccer.People who normally don't cared a fig for soccer is suddenly staying up til the middle of the night to ve…

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The Vuitton AntiguaThe Vuitton Antigua

Following the girl in the gorgeous Marc by Marc Jacobs dress the other day, I spotted yet another girl wearing this Vuitton Antigua tote. Although by no means would this Antigua collection be considered new, it just struck me what the perfect bag it is for our SS06 wardrobe. After all, the SS06 ward…

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SS06 Fashion Trend: Suspenders/ BracesSS06 Fashion Trend: Suspenders/ Braces

Apart from the trend of dungaree dresses, suspenders have been seen on the runway and in shops. The normal way of wearing is like as seen on the Luella SS06 runway above: a pair of suspenders clipped onto the pants. I really have to say ugh to this trend. It's just so... 90s? Actually I have no idea…

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Braun Cordless StylersBraun Cordless Stylers

The other day when I was having lunch with my little eleven year old cousin, I discovered the cutest thing. She'd curled her hair and I asked if she bought a curling iron and she said yes, in fact she was doing it on her way to lunch on the car. And I was like, what?? On the car?? How?? Then she whi…

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The World's Biggest ShopaholicThe World's Biggest Shopaholic

Shoppers can apparently be split into two types: recreational shoppers and non-recreational shoppers. "Recreational shoppers', as its name suggests, are people who shop for fun. The "non-recreational" type shop only when they need to.According to a survey by ACNielsen (an international consumer mark…

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Scrunch up the Sleeves!Scrunch up the Sleeves!

Take a tip from the runway and add cool to an outfit this season by scrunching up the sleeves!This is an especially convenient trend with all the super long sleeve shirts on the runway used for layering (as in the Luella and Marc by Marc Jacobs above). Plus, it allows you to skip the hassle of getti…

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The Shirt and the TieThe Shirt and the Tie

For quite a few seasons now, magazines have reported the trend of girls dressing like guys, ie. wearing shirts and ties together. Now I have never quite understood this trend. I mean, I think it was cool when Avril wore it a few years ago when she was in her so-called punk rock mood. And it's fun wh…

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Happy Father's DayHappy Father's Day

As much as I love my dad I must admit, I hate trying to find a gift for him. I mean, what can he possibly want that I can get him?I guess one can always stick with the classics. This silk tie from Zegna looks quite nice.And of course, there is the belt, like this one from Gucci. One can't possibly g…

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British Vogue + Teen Vogue July 2006British Vogue + Teen Vogue July 2006

In a typical month (that is when I'm in school in London,) I read about 4 style magazines: Vogue UK, Elle UK, Tatler and Teen Vogue. Now normally, the July issue of magazines are pretty boring because it's the end of season and it's not time yet to talk about next season's fashion. But surprisingly,…

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Product FastProduct Fast

I've been using products for the face (face wash, toners and moisturizers) since forever. I don't even remember the time when simple water would do. But the other day, my friend told me that she'd never used any products before (only soap and water) until a year ago when her skin got dried due to th…

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Natural-Looking MascaraNatural-Looking Mascara

Since my makeup fast is now over, not to mention I haven't bought a mascara since last summer, I am now in the market for a new mascara. Last summer I was into the whole dramatic eye look. This summer, I've decided to go for the ever elusive natural look. Some inspiration:I love the natural look fro…

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